Welp, today was an interesting day. I had a lockdown at the school I work at, and Molly had a lockdown in her school. Hers lasted all day. At the end of the day, I got a phone call from her school's nurse- she basically had an inexplicably swollen finger. Long story short, went to the pediatrician's, Molly has a prescription for an antibiotic, and we are to soak her finger once an hour. While we were there, both girls got their flu shots. Tonight, we are looking at eating their favorite dinner (Annie's mac & cheese), watching a movie, and getting froyo. Basically, anything we can do to counteract the rotten mood Molly is in since she isn't feeling great!!!
While the mac & cheese cooked and Andrew napped in his carseat, I found a few recipes I'm going to try out:
Pumpkin bread , and it makes two loaves, so I'm going to freeze one for later!
Apple cake, looks pretty good and has a fancy sounding name. I might skip the glaze though.
I'm still on the lookout for a PERFECT and EASY spaghetti sauce recipe. All of the recipes I've tried so far are meh. I'm embarrassed to say that here I am, a 30 year old half-Sicilian, and I still don't make a good sauce. So we're going to change that.
Coming, Andrew!!
Friday, September 26, 2014
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